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Buddhism meditation center of Cambodia

Buddhism meditation center of Cambodia
Cambodian citizens of both sex, as well as the world population, love peace, prosperity and wisdom. They try to study both Dhamma (life substantiality) and worldly environments following the teachings of Lord Buddha that focus on non-violence, tolerance,
Vipassana means to see all things and phenomenon(physical and mental phenomena) as they really are. Such understanding emphasizes the awareness of changing(Anicham), decaying/suffering(Dukkham) and non-self(Anatta) which are the Three Characters of Nature.
Vipassana Methods:
There are many methods to practise Vipassana. Mostly, when we say about Vipassana we refer to the Four Bases of Mindfulness(Sati Pathana Sutta):

1. Physical bases of mindfulness(Kaya Nupassana)
2. Sensational Bases of Mindfulness(Vedana Nupassana)
3. Emotional Bases of Mindfulness(Jetta Nupassana)
4. Dhamma Bases of Mindfulness(Dhamma Nupassana).

However, the details of Insight Meditation(Vipassana Samadhi) will focus on 73 methods:

1. Five Aggregates(5)
2. Twelve sense-spheres(12)
3. Eighteen elements(18)
4. Twenty two faculties(22)
5. Four Noble Truth(4)
6. Twelve Interdependent Originations(12)

The most popular methods which people are practising Insight Meditation around the world is “Breathing Insight Meditation”.


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